5-Star on Lake Charlevoix
Starboard aft view of 5-Star
Transom of 5-Star
5-Star steering wheel
Textured trim of 5-star
Aft view of the interior of 5-Star
The helm of 5-Star
5-Star's engines
Inside 5-Star's cabin
5-Star switch panel
Aft seat of 5-Star
The milled log that will be crafted into 5-Star
Sunlight shining on the wood for 5-Star
Craftsman Dave chiseling chines for 5-Star
The frame of 5-Star
Van Dam's Woodshop Crew fairing the hull of 5-Star
Sanded hull of 5-Star
8098 5-Star being rolled over
5-Star being rolled over
Craftsmen examining 5-Star after being rolled over
Inside of 5-Star's cockpit tub
5-Star's deck being built
The deck of 5-Star that has been faired
Finished image of inside of hull of 5-Star
5-Star's cutwater and navigation lights
Intricate pattern on the bottom of 5-Star
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